Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Waiting is about accepting your fate. You can’t make things happen before the time is ripe. While you are waiting face the truth of how things really are. During this period relax and enjoy yourself while you wait. Waiting is about accepting your fate. You can’t make things happen before the time is ripe.


Waiting is about accepting your fate. You cant make things happen before the time is ripe. While you are  waiting face the truth of how things really are. During this period relax and enjoy yourself while you wait. Waiting is about accepting your fate. You cant make things happen before the time is ripe.

You may feel anxious about something about to happen or you want to happen. Be patient. Write about what you want the outcome to be or paint a picture of it to meditate on.

You are becoming closer to the fate you are waiting for. People may be gossiping about you. You may have anxiety, fearing what you wait for will not happen. Stay calm. Ignore all bad vibes whether they come from inside you or from others.

Be careful. In your impatience you may become tempted to hurry things. Hold back this impulse or you will only attract the wrong events or wrong people.

While waiting you may feel cut off and feel anxious. Relax.
 This is easier said than done but if you accept that you have no choice in the matter you will save yourself a lot of unnecessary angst.

Connect with kindred souls and share a meal. Maybe give a party and enjoy the moment. Have as much fun as you can during this time. Being positive about the wait will be more rewarding.

Just when you think everything is hopeless and that what you have been waiting for is never going to happen, suddenly out of nowhere comes an unexpected turn of events. Good things come in sets of three.

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